The ongoing global pandemic of the Coronavirus has made it more evident than ever before, that we are a truly inter-connected world. Issues of North, South, West, East, race, tribe, ethnicity, white, black, rich, poor, language or even national/geographical boundaries are all in the end irrelevant. We are one people with a common destiny. In very frighteningly real and tangible ways, the fate of one affects the fate of the other. It shocks and saddens me to realize that somehow, we still haven’t quite internalized that self-evident truth.
International Women’s Day 2017- A Call for Change
Our Blog's Upcoming Social Media Series
What Inspires Our Entrepreneurship Series
The commencement of a new year is as usual a time for reflection. A time for new hopes and dreams and resolutions! As we move with the rest of the world into 2017, we join millions of others who are reflecting on their work so far. We reflect on progress made and not made! We reflect on why we have done some of the things we did and hope to continue to do.
Change at Any Cost?
I believe that for real progress to be made in any sphere of life there has to be change over time. Nothing is so good that it cannot be improved upon. Improvements come with change something of the status quo. But the bottom line is that the change chosen and embarked upon has to be positive and has to be the one with the potential for the most good. If not it cannot be a change for progress, a change for better, or a change for good.