What will this year bring??? This depends on the choices we make with each passing day.
To ensure that the answers we seek eventually turn out to be the desired ones, it is vital that we take time to reflect on the past and the present. As an entrepreneur, this exercise is even more rewarding. While the start of the New Year isn’t an automatic new beginning for your venture, you should learn to take advantage of the hunger for reflection and improvement which the New Year provides to make things work better than they did the year before.
2016 left indelible marks, both good and bad. 2017 is here and it behooves us all to seek to replicate and improve the achievements of the previous year. We should not only learn from the mistakes of the past, but also tap from the opportunities that past challenges have made available. Remember, the best entrepreneurs are always on the prowl, sniffing out problems in dire need of solutions. It is safe to say that the vicissitudes of the year 2016 have presented us with the choice of getting better. All we need to do is to make that choice.
source: www.smallbizspoken.com
The choice to get better in 2017 will only be a mere wish if we don’t take the time to reflect on the progress made and the setbacks encountered in the previous year. This powerful exercise helps us regain our focus and reminds us of the main purpose for which we embarked on this entrepreneurial journey. It also emphasizes the need to set measurable goals. Setting goals gives us a framework within which to work and helps us concentrate our efforts and action plans on only those activities that will get the outcomes we desire. This year, and in others to come, our goals need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based).
In the spirit of reflecting on progress made, we at C4C have taken time to reflect on the topics we covered in this entrepreneurship series. While we're pleased with the readership stats, we will not pat ourselves on the back just yet. This year, we have set for ourselves the task of sharing with you practical tips and inspiring real life experiences that will stoke the fire of your passion for entrepreneurship. In line with our commitment to provide a continuous stream of quality posts covering relevant topics on entrepreneurship, we believe your opinion on the topics we have discussed in previous posts will help keep us on the right track. Are there other areas which you would like us to shed more light on? Which posts have you found most useful? Which posts were not useful?
Feel free to leave a comment or write us at anya@converse4change.com or contact@converse4change.com.
Happy New Year!