The world is abuzz in anticipation of the celebration of Valentine’s Day. A Day during which lovers all over the world express and reaffirm their love for each other by sharing gifts and carrying out commemorative and exciting activities. In the spirit of this year’s celebration, we at Conversations for Change (C4C) wish to declare our undying love for the billions of young people around the world, who are the sole reason for our existence.
There is an ever present need for us to show love (the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another) to people around us. Today more so than ever. What with the apparent and ever increasing reports of violence and hatred around the world.
Our vision, work and plans for a better future for young people can only be achieved in the best ways possible when all our efforts, programs, projects, and other relevant activities are carried out with love for the object of our affection – the youth. Love is a powerful force, and should be harnessed if we are ever to see our world free of corruption, violent conflict, poverty, and every other social ill. Love succeeds where all else fails.
Creating the positive change we need can only be achieved where love drives the change. Remember, C4C loves you. Happy Valentine’s Day!