Dear All,
The year 2016 has seen us make good progress in our endeavor to create a launch pad towards a great future for young people around the world. We are excited about what has been achieved but even more excited about the future.
We would like to use this opportunity to thank you for your continuous support even as we get set to take on bigger and more far reaching projects and initiatives in 2017. Our focus this year is on relevant actions that will bring our vision to life and impact as many youths as possible with life changing information and direct financial and other benefits. And to that effect we have several initiatives and quality/informative posts lined up for the year.
Considering the successes we recorded in the year 2016, we can boldly say it was an exciting and productive year. To mention a few; we established a fully functional Office in Abuja, Nigeria, in addition to our New York Office. We were able to put a full Management Team in place. We developed and launched a detailed Social Media Strategy. The Launch was extremely successful and was attended by all the major press agencies in Abuja. We established important partnerships such as the one on Demographic Dividend (DD) with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and attended two key workshops on DD at their invitation. The Social media Strategy was vigorously implemented and we are proud to announce that we now have thousands of young people reading and interacting with posts on our blog and other pages.
However, 2017 promises even more! Our determination to match our words with action has inspired several initiatives which we believe will set us on the right path towards making our vision a reality. So far, we have intensified efforts to form partnerships with reputable organisations in order to kick-start the initiatives which include:
- The Entrepreneurship Initiative, which is a one fellowship program and aims to raise a crop of promising young social entrepreneurs.
- The Demographic Dividend Initiative designed to engender accountability and bolster efforts to see that Africa's youth population get the required attention and capacity building necessary to ensure that they they be maximally productive and thus catapult their various countries into much greater economic boom and also make them active players in world development.
- The Young Female Empowerment/Mentorship Program which will be addressing the challenges young women have to put up with and also providing much needed support to achieve their full potential.
- The Social Media Initiative. This initiative will help young people everywhere become more knowledgeable about social media and how to use the various platforms to improve their lives. We hope to use this program to address the abuse of social media among the youth.
In addition to these programs, we aim to intensify efforts on carrying out research on various topics bordering on issues that affect young people around the world. This would be done in conjunction with notable international bodies. We believe the results from these studies will help inform policies that will have positive impacts on the world's growing youth population.
As usual, we will do our best to keep you informed and provide the opportunity for you to join our efforts at every stage.
Thank you!